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michael - a month ago
Luke, I am your Daddy!
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based labs ai - a month ago
Better then the movies cgi..
DreamShaper XLCheckpoint
cinematic film still, Darth Vader, colored lights, amazing quality, wallpaper, analog film grain <lora:aesthetic_anime_v1s:0.5> <lora:add-detail-xl:1.1>
Negative Prompt
(octane render, render, drawing, anime, bad photo, bad photography:1.3), (worst quality, low quality, blurry:1.2), (bad teeth, deformed teeth, deformed lips), (bad anatomy, bad proportions:1.1), (deformed iris, deformed pupils), (deformed eyes, bad eyes), (deformed face, ugly face, bad face), (deformed hands, bad hands, fused fingers), morbid, mutilated, mutation, disfigured
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Clone Prompt